I am on my 9th of 10 days off from work. Took a few vacation days to be with the family once school was out and to get a few things done around the house.
Still haven't done much training since Stillwater and now the NewBriTri but that doesn't mean I haven't done anything. I've been on a few bike rides including two with my son on the Gateway. He hasn't been biking, he's almost 14 and he is on my older bike that weighs like 12 pounds more, so we covered 14 miles the first ride and then 25 the next. That is the distance for the trail from the Maplewood Community Center to Pine Point Park and back. He rocked the the last 2/3's of the return trip. I am going to have to find a road bike for this kid soon as he'll do much better than I could possibly hope to imagine for me within a couple years. And I can imagine really good! ;-)
I also went to Lake Minnetresta at the Gunther's for the weekly Wednesday a.m. OWS. I plan on being there most Wednesdays.
Pictures to come.
Oh, almost forgot. Steve of the infamous Steve in a Speedo blog is having a contest to be put in the drawing to win a $75.00 gift certificate to OnlineShoes.com.
Jumper, that's awesome that you got your son out on the bike!! I'm taking Briar mtn biking today - he is loving it, too!