Sunday, July 27, 2008

Big behind

I am not talking physically, its just that I am so far behind on posting, etc.

Part of it is that I am trying to get in a little bit of that facebook action.

For now, I want to share a recent experience my wife, Angela had last Thursday!

She was on Channel 4 news with Ameilia! How cool is that!!!!

Click here for the link. You'll see her, Angela Litzinger, shortly after the 3 minute mark.


  1. YAY Angela! And an interesting news clip. I've heard of gluten-free diets but really didn't know what it meant. This was a little Monday learning session. :)

  2. " I think everybody deserves a cookie"
    ... that is a classic! can I steal that for my blog header???
    Love you Angela!!!

  3. man, i need to sit down and watch that clip!

    And Facebook? Love it. I just 'friended' you
