Friday, February 1, 2008

I want Spring!

I really do. I don't mind cold so much, but I want the ice off the road and room for bikes along the curb and pathways.

I am so ready to get ready for this next season.

When I finish 2008, I will have completed 1-2 sprints, 1-2 olympic triathlons, 2 half ironman distance races and I will have completed my first marathon.

And I will know if I am completing my first Ironman in 2009.

It's going to be a big year!

2007 was also a great year.

I went from a 238# couch potato to a 220# 1/2 marathon runner!

Maybe, I'll be under 210#'s by the end of this year? Although weight in of itself is not a high priority.

As much as I want spring, I also no better than to live for the future. I have started a new yoga DVD (yoga for endurance athletes), yesterday I showed up for my first spinervals class with my new bike at the LBS and I am weight lifting. I will also slowly get started with my running again.

Just as important, no, more important, I have registered my son in baseball for this spring and my oldest daughter is playing soccer again. I am definitely working on her endurance this year.

(Ok, apparently I'm aging in the brain a little too much, I had to fix the years at a couple of places above, thanks Danielle in Iowa, arrgh)


  1. Jumper, I think you jumped a year ahead on us :-) Good luck for your 2008 (or 9) goals!

  2. I hear ya...I'm ready for spring, too!!

  3. Now I am back on the ball with posting. :-)

    Yes, please, bring on spring! I had several run-ins with ice last weekend on my bike. Not fun.

    Nice meeting you in AZ.

  4. Great plans! I'm pulling for that IM next year!!

  5. We are ready for spring too. Hopefully this weekend will be the final really cold weather- and the days are getting longer!

    Looks like you and the fam had a wonderful time in Arizona-how cool. Nice job on the half- (I forgot to say that before :-)

  6. Sounds like you have a busy year ahead! Great job!

  7. Spring fever - we have it too.
    Laura and I were talking about IM Germany in 09....
